Macota Autorinnova Lucida Dashboards Without Antistatic Silicones 600ml
Macota Autorinnova Lucida Dashboards Without Antistatic Silicones 600ml
Punto Vendita Net Coatings
Via Emilia 2
35043 Monselice PD
Macota Autorinnova Without Silicones
Self-polishing for dashboards.
Cleans, polishes and protects all internal parts of the car (dashboards, interior panels, doors, etc.) in plastic, leather, vinyl leather, restores shine and makes them repellent to dust.
Spray on the surface to be treated holding the can in vertical position, at a distance of about 25 cm.
Polish with a soft cloth.
600ml can
UFI CODE:3X50-V054-M00H-9CKR
Spray on the surface to be treated while holding the canister in an upright position, at a distance of about 25 cm. Polish with a soft cloth.
Aerosol can: FE40 – Iron collection
Cap and nozzle: PP05 – Plastic collection
Recycle only if perfectly clean and empty.
Otherwise, recycle at appropriate ecological centers.