Rupes RH356A Skorpio III Handheld Pneumatic Random Orbital Sander

Rupes RH356A Skorpio III Handheld Pneumatic Random Orbital Sander
Punto Vendita Net Coatings
Via Emilia 2
35043 Monselice PD
The random orbital palm sander with a 150 mm pad, available in non-vacuum models (RH356), centralized vacuum (RH356A), or self-generated (RH356T), the Skorpio III 6 mm dual action pneumatic sander offers perfect balance in material removal, user comfort, and control. It is RUPES's most popular dual action palm sander.
All Skorpio III sanders are equipped with motors designed to maximize torque, even with low or inconsistent airflow.
The maximum results are provided by technicians who have precise control of their tool. The RH356, RH356A, and RH356T Skoprio III dual-action palm sanders are designed to be extremely smooth and quiet, and the lightweight and ergonomic design makes their operation effortless.
The RH356 Skorpio III dual-action palm sander models feature an advanced motor designed to maximize torque, even in the presence of reduced or inconsistent airflow, for consistent results. The Skorpio III also has a backing plate designed by RUPES, precision bearings, and high-quality components for long tool life in high-stress environments.
The Skoprio III with a 6 mm orbit can be used for any dual-action sanding operation, from preparing putty to the final sanding of clear paints. The 6 mm orbit offers an excellent balance between comfort, control, and efficiency. Available in standard vacuum, non-vacuum (RH356), vacuum (RH356A), or self-generated (RH356T).
ORBIT Ø 6mm SCORPIO III – 6mm: the 6mm orbit is designed for finishing applications using P320 grade and higher abrasives. The small orbit, combined with the high RPM and suitable abrasives, provides a high-quality finish that is perfectly prepared for paints and other coatings.
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